BMUS Blog #2 A Day in the Office
I'm glad everybody is happy to see me here and I'm sorry my writing and grammar sucks. Just pretend your'e watching me, which you should be used to it by now.
For some reason I can't reply each one of you, that's a shopfiy technical thing. So I think the best thing to do is to go back to my post and I'll start adding on to the end of these do the replies right here in red, so make sure if you have commented to check back every so often.
So what's a day like for me in the office? Some of you might be interested to know. I've done a couple of tours of my place before on video but it's constantly changing. The most fun part is always shooting a video for you guys and I'll do another blog another day on details of the process and why it takes longer than usual to get videos out.
First thing I do is come to the office a couple of times a week. I am my own boss and I've chosen family over work, so for me it's quite flexible, but I'm always around the weekends and a couple of times during the week. These days the store has become a full fledge business because of all you who order from us, I have to make sure I get all the packages out.
Here's a couple of shots of my office without my sets in the way lol. Lot's of organization and inventory to take care of:
These are mostly Sembo,Keeppley and Xingbao sets lined up against the wall. Sets are always coming in and out really fast.
It's never usually this tidy, but this side of the office is mostly Mould King, Cada, DK, Royal Toys, Happy Build, Panlos and military sets. You'll find some of my sets along the top lol.
Before I get to the office I gotta eat! Sometimes with the fam, sometimes I come even earlier and grab my Mcd or KFC lol. Ok, there are plenty of local Hong Kong eateries here too, but with the virus still in motion, I'm usually doing take away and enjoying my peaceful quiet time in the office. My good friend Chris if he's around will join me and we'll prep each other with daily news and upcoming sets then its either shooting time or.... Packing time!
First things first, dealing with new arrivals. Loads of boxes weekly arrive at the door. I have to double check all the sets and make sure they are all here. Unfortunately, there are mistakes made all the time, but that's what I'm here for...but still even I make mistakes lol.
Then it's organizing and sorting out the correct packages and re-packing to ensure everything is in order.
The postal rules can get real strict, so we're always dealing with how much we can squeeze into a box...Chris thinks he can close this one lol.
Then it's all out the door and ready to ship out.
What you don't see is the warehouse that we have in China. Some orders get shipped directly from there, which saves a bit on shipping cost for other countries.
After almost a day of packing and sending orders, we have to tidy up. There's Chris doing his part.
That leaves me with a few hours to either to film or edit. If my energy is high I'll shoot as much as I can. If I'm feeling down I might just edit or build or continue to clean up.
My babies I use to shoot my vids.
I'm either being shot or the product is being shot.
Last but not least before I close up the office, we browse or I get updates from Ida about new sets coming out...which we'll look at in the next blog :)
Sherri - Yes, we use excel to track everything, but things go in and out so fast. I have a bad habit of forgetting to mark it down hahah. Ida is the pro at all that. She is a full time accountant so taking numbers and doing charts is her thing. I just like to build lol.
Anthony - Thanks so much for the kind words. It isn't easy all the time, but it is fun. I think the harder part is maintaining the online store and for Ida it would be the communication between the suppliers and companies that I would never be able to handle hahah.
Gary - Let me see if i can show you where your bricks really come from hahah you'll be surprised? They still have to come through me ultimately though. Thank you for trusting in us!!
Jona - Thank you! I'll try to do more of these often. Most of the time it's pretty uneventful or I feel like I'll bore others lol.
I think it’s very beneficial to have a business owner that’s also an enthusiast too…
Your camera equipment looks very impressive! Must be the best of all YouTubers I think! I think I need to make an order just to get one of your new packing boxes – TMUS and BMUS haha!
Hey, Scottie! For a newcomer behind the scene tour feels perfect. Only yesterday have I finished first sets I ordered. Thanks to all of you at BMUS for everything! I’m definitely sticking with you lot!
Nice to see where all my alternative blocks come from. I appreciate your family focus and friendliness with your customers. I always enjoy looking to see what is new on your site. Your quality customer service will keep your success going into the future. Thank you Ida and Scottie and team for all that you do!
Thank you for a “behind the scenes” tour. It’s a good reminder for customers to realize and appreciate all the hard work that entails in running a business. Wishing you much continued success!